Thursday, December 16, 2010


                    *The harmful rays what comes from sun,
             are  absorbed  by  that  ozone layer  in
             70-90% presents. 
            *There fore it work as an ultraviolet rays       


Thursday, November 25, 2010


    *There are many damages in the Ozone layer of upper Arctic and  
      Antarctic areas now on time.
    *The damage hole of the Ozone layer in upper Antarctic area is 
       extremely bigger as the north America.
    *The ultraviolet rays of the sun are crossing by these holes and     
       getting down to the earth and given the bad result for the living 
                    And also,
                                   *Animals are destroy.
                          *Plants are destroy.
                          *It is create to skin cancers  
   *The present day south Antarctic areas in animals and plantains 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Points and pollutant of pollute the "ozone layer"

*Main point is add the Chloro Fluoro Carbons (CFC) to the atmosphere.
*Pollutant of CFC contains  aerosol spray.
*Polystyrene packaging.
*Cleaning agents.
*Air conditions.
*Fire extinguishers.

               when CFC ultra violet layer adding to the environment it divide  (C1) atoms ,(Br) atoms between it comes from bad result to humans. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We must protect the "OZONE LAYER"

The ozone layer is keeping and protect 
human, animal,trees and all living.It can be control the harmful  ultraviolet rays.
but now the ozone layer is very pollution.
The scientists found in the 1970 discover that certain .Man made chemicals could 
destroy ozone and deplete the  ozone layer.Further research found that the growing production and use of chemical like.

Monday, September 6, 2010

What is the "OZONE LAYER"

Some one can be think the ozone is a small strata. but, it isn't truth.  The ozone layer is
big strata.It is in the strata sphere encircling 
the earth.

The much of the harmful ultraviolet radiation comes from the sun.also ultraviolet radiation 
that from the ozone in the first place.

Ozone is special from of oxygen made up of
three oxygen atoms rather than the usual to oxygen atoms. It usually 
from when sun type of radiation or electrical discharge close the two
atoms in an oxygen molecule  (O2)  which can then individually recombine with other (o2) molecules to from ozone (o3).